Private-public sector collaboration

Promoting collaboration for change

A country’s economic development depends on both its private and public sectors. While the private sector is focused on driving growth, creating jobs, and paying taxes to finance public goods and services, it is the responsibility of the public sector to set the policies and create an enabling environment that allows the private sector to thrive. Where the public sector is inefficient, there is a limit to how much the private sector can grow. It is therefore in the interest of private sector entities to support increased public sector effectiveness.

We advocate for increased collaboration between the private and public sectors with the following objectives:

  • To enable the exchange and transfer of private sector knowledge, experiences, and expertise to drive the implementation of public sector reform initiatives, while gaining insight into the

  • To build the capacity of the public sector workforce, exposing them to new knowledge and ways of working that enable them to be more responsive and innovative in the execution of their duties.

Private-Public Sector Collaboration

As part of our support for the Office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation’s LEAD-P training programme, we organised private sector internships in 28 private sector organisations for over 100 civil servants, exposing them to the culture, value and work processes that make the private sector more efficient. 

View our LEAD-P
Case Study

Private sector LEAD-P supporters