Our Role

Transforming Africa’s public services is a major task involving many stakeholders. What is the Foundation’s role?

The public and private sectors are sometimes seen as being distinct, unconnected, or even in opposition – but this is a misconception.

In reality, the public sector relies on the private sector to create jobs, drive growth, and pay the taxes that finance public goods and services. In turn, the private sector relies on the public sector to create an environment in which it can thrive.

If the public sector is inefficient, there is a limit to how much the private sector can grow. And if the private sector can’t grow, then the public sector will be starved of the revenues that it needs to deliver services.

It is therefore in the interest of the private sector to help the public sector to become more effective. And it is in the interest of government to leverage the expertise and resources of the private sector to do so,

The same is true in primary healthcare, where private sector investment and expertise can address critical gaps, improve access to care, and support public sector priorities.

This is why the Foundation was set up; to connect both worlds, harnessing their strengths for the benefit of national growth and development.

Find out more in Our Work below.

Our Work

Transforming Africa’s public services is a major task involving many stakeholders.

Developing Leaders
In Government

Outstanding public services require exceptional leaders who can deliver.

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Supporting Public
Sector Reform

Directly enabling change for a transformed public sector.

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Access To Primary Healthcare

Successful citizens, communities and economies depend on access to high-quality primary healthcare.

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