AIG MPP Scholar, Nasir Mohammed

Championing Healthcare Reforms and Local Production in Nigeria!

Nasir Mohammed, a 2019 AIG Scholar, is at the forefront of healthcare reform, leading the implementation of a reform initiative focused on increasing local production of healthcare products, reducing the cost of healthcare equipment and consumables and promoting local investment. A presidential order to this effect was instituted earlier this year. This ambitious initiative aims to bolster Nigeria's healthcare security by enhancing local production capacity, reducing reliance on imported healthcare products, and ultimately creating a more resilient and self-sufficient healthcare system. Nasir's efforts are paving the way for a future where Nigeria's healthcare system is more robust, reliable, and capable of withstanding global challenges.

Nasir Mohammed is currently serving as Chief of Staff at the Presidential Initiative for Unlocking the Healthcare Value Chain (PVAC). Domiciled within the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, PVAC is dedicated to reforming and enhancing Nigeria's healthcare and pharmaceutical manufacturing ecosystem.

Leading up to the formulation of his reform initiative, Nasir conducted an in-depth analysis of the bottlenecks hindering local manufacturing within Nigeria’s healthcare sector. This analysis identified several key challenges, including the high costs of importing necessary production inputs and the lack of incentives for local production of high-demand healthcare products. The findings led to targeted recommendations that were integral to the formulation of the policy embedded within the Executive Order.

Reflecting on his journey, Nasir credits the AIG Scholarship programme for equipping him with the skills and mindset necessary to drive this transformative initiative.

“The MPP programme at Oxford profoundly influenced my approach to public policy, particularly in my role in developing the initiative- Presidential Executive Order to Increase Local Production of Healthcare Products, Reduce Cost of Healthcare Equipment and Consumables, and Promote Local Investment 2024, signed by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. The Politics of Policymaking module was instrumental in navigating the political dynamics involved in securing support for the Executive Order. Understanding how to think politically allowed me to align diverse interests—from government agencies to local manufacturers—around a common goal. Reflecting on my time at Oxford, the MPP programme not only equipped me with technical skills but also transformed my approach to leadership in public policy. It taught me to think critically, act ethically, and engage effectively with a wide range of stakeholders. These lessons have been pivotal in turning the vision of the Executive Order into a tangible reality that will strengthen Nigeria’s healthcare system for years to come.”

This Executive Order, recently signed by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, is a critical step toward empowering local manufacturers by removing key financial barriers—specifically, by eliminating tariffs, excise duties, and VAT on essential machinery, equipment, and raw materials necessary for healthcare production.

Nasir’s decision to apply for the AIG MPP scholarship was driven by his deep commitment to public service and his desire to contribute meaningfully to Nigeria's development. He was also inspired by the Foundation’s mission to build a critical mass of future leaders dedicated to public service, stating that this aligned perfectly with his personal and professional aspirations. The MPP programme at Oxford, he notes, is more than just an academic challenge; it is an opportunity to fundamentally reshape your approach to leadership and public service. To future Scholars, he advises:

“Approach it with dedication, humility, and a commitment to learning, and you will leave not only with a degree but with the skills and mindset necessary to lead with integrity and purpose.”


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