Culture Change

Changing mindsets and attitudes

We have been supporting the OHCSF’s culture change programme, which is aimed at optimising the efficiency and productivity of the Civil Service while ensuring it is incorruptible and citizen-focused. The programme is aimed at building an innovative and merit-based system and encouraging civil servants to embody positive values including accountability, meritocracy, professionalism, loyalty, and efficiency.

Our work on this project has involved the following:

Developing a culture change communication and implementation plan.

Creating a culture change video to anchor the project.

Identifying and training civil servants who will drive internal and external communications on culture change.

Collaboratively developing the Civil Service Culture Handbook.

Instituting an endowment fund targeted at recognising and rewarding top performers and change champions in the Federal Civil Service.

Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation Champions Excellence, Culture Change During Nigeria Civil Service Week

Aig-Imoukhuede Foundation Champions Excellence, Culture Change During Nigeria Civil Service Week. Learn more.

Culture Change Video